How can we enhance the user experience for Vresh Foods?

background 📖

In today's competitive market, establishing a strong digital presence and effectively communicating a brand's values are essential for success.

This case study outlines how we collaborated with Vresh Foods, a Calgary-based food producer specializing in Ghee, to enhance their user experience and brand awareness.

the problem✏️🗒

Vresh Foods faces challenges in effectively educating potential buyers about Ghee's benefits while increasing brand awareness. Furthermore, the absence of a strong User Experience theme impedes the creation of a community-driven, engaging platform that resonates with users.


To understand the pain points we interviewed users of different user persona and came up with the following conclusions.

Users cited time constraints for trying new food products and frustration over limited in-store info and local availability.

Decision-making is challenging due to unclear ingredient details, driven by lactose intolerance and health consciousness.

Discovering a trustworthy brand which aligned with quality and wellness goals was problematic.

Coping with overwhelming social media information further complicates decision-making, impeding informed choices.


We aim to create an interactive experience that takes users on a unique journey, from understanding the benefits of ghee to how the product supports the local farmers to buying a product which supports their healthy lifestyle.

Educate buyers who don’t know about Ghee: To clearly communicate the product's features, benefits, and unique selling points to potential customers.

Develop a strong User Persona: Without a clear understanding of the main target audience in a new market, the product struggles to effectively reach, connect and seed trust with potential customers.

Increase brand awareness: To make the Vresh Foods more familiar and recognizable to potential customers, and to create a strong memorable image in the minds of consumers.

Establish a strong User Experience theme & Strategy: We want our users to feel like they are part of a community that shares their values, where they can learn, engage, and explore our high-quality products in a way that feels personal and authentic.

the APPROACH ✏️🗒

Persona Development: Created detailed personas representing different audience segments.

Competitive Analysis & SWOT: Analyzed competitors and identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Content Audit: Assessed existing content to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Current State and Heuristic Analysis: Evaluated the client's current digital presence to highlight areas for optimization.

User Experience Theme & Strategy: Developed a UX Theme and strategy which closely aligned with the brand's core values.

User Flow & High Fidelity Mockup: Designed user flows and high fidelity mockups for a visualized digital experience.

Educational Content Strategy: Developed content strategy to educate potential buyers about Ghee's benefits.


We developed these User Personas through thorough research and analysis

User experience theme✏️🗒

Subsequently developed a UX Theme closely aligned with the brand's core values.

We want our users to feel like they are part of a community that shares their values, where they can learn, engage, and explore the high-quality products in a way that feels personal and authentic.


And then we build the strategy based on the UX Theme

solution 👩🔬

Finally, we designed the website implementing the new strategy

Restructure of Home Page

Enhanced homepage with captivating Ghee video that elegantly captures the essence and aromatic allure of Ghee, informative nutritional and facts sections, and user testimonials for heightened engagement and credibility.

Added Our Process Page

Introduced an "Our Process" page elucidating product creation, authenticity, and values. Showcased meticulous local sourcing to resonate with the maker culture, enriching user understanding.

Restructured Product Page

Revamped product page, addressing heuristic concerns with streamlined iconography and intuitive UI. Enhanced user experience by enabling seamless product selection and cart addition on a single page. Bolstered credibility via included nutritional information.

An Interactive Recipe Page

Introduced an interactive recipe page, suggesting diverse Ghee-based recipes based on product and meal choice. This feature enhances user engagement and offers personalized culinary inspiration, fostering a stronger brand connection.

A new Find In Store Page

Developed a "Find In Store" page to accommodate users who prefer in-store shopping. The interactive map utilizes location data to recommend nearby retailers offering Vresh Ghee, catering to users' convenience. This user-centric enhancement bridges the online-offline shopping experience.


Finally, we designed the website implementing the new strategy

Restructure of Home Page

Enhanced homepage with captivating Ghee video that elegantly captures the essence and aromatic allure of Ghee, informative nutritional and facts sections, and user testimonials for heightened engagement and credibility.

Added Our Process Page

Introduced an "Our Process" page elucidating product creation, authenticity, and values. Showcased meticulous local sourcing to resonate with the maker culture, enriching user understanding.

Restructured Product Page

Revamped product page, addressing heuristic concerns with streamlined iconography and intuitive UI. Enhanced user experience by enabling seamless product selection and cart addition on a single page. Bolstered credibility via included nutritional information.

A new Find In Store Page

Developed a "Find In Store" page to accommodate users who prefer in-store shopping. The interactive map utilizes location data to recommend nearby retailers offering Vresh Ghee, catering to users' convenience. This user-centric enhancement bridges the online-offline shopping experience.

An Interactive Recipe Page

Introduced an interactive recipe page, suggesting diverse Ghee-based recipes based on product and meal choice. This feature enhances user engagement and offers personalized culinary inspiration, fostering a stronger brand connection.

Parents Interaction

On the parents home page they can see all the info collected during the day in a quick and easy scan.

design 🎨

The design has evolved into an engaging website that educates buyers about the benefits of Ghee while also incorporating a great User Experience that encourages community interaction, personalised exploration, and connection.